Essential oils are natural products extracted from plants, spices or herbs by classical and innovative methods which has many interesting applications in cosmetics, food, drugs etc. Essential oil is volatile in nature and by encapsulation, the interactions of the substance that forms the nucleus with the environment is minimized; reduces the rate of evaporation or transfer of the core compounds into the environment. The encapsulated oil which is in powder form and easy to handle, allows for release control, reduces odors and strange flavors and can homogeneously in a food product.
Encapsulated or plated spices offer a standardised high content of flavor. They achieve high storage stability by encapsulation of valuable spice ingredients. This process also enables the spices to sustain a constant taste and flavour profile, with reduced germ count and enzymatic activity without gas treatment and irradiation. Oleoresins are encapsulated by different techniques. The most common approach is spray drying, in which the extractive is mixed with a gum or starch, then sprayed into a hot chamber to flash off the water. In another technique, the extractive is placed in a heated carbohydrate mix, which is extruded into cold alcohol to solidify the particles. This is then heated to remove the alcohol. Encapsulated spices are especially suited to dry soup and salad dressing mixes, beverage powders and any products, which will be mixed with or reconstituted in water.
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